Archive for the ‘Health Care’ category

What Does “Void” Mean? (Asks the Liberal Wacko)

February 18, 2011

I have to confess that life and work and life and work have taken over.  Not to mention I am on a committee at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo where I sell Half-Priced Carnival Ticket packs from January to February 27 to raise money for the HLSR Scholarship fund.  And it has been KILLING me that I cannot sit down and blog.  So much is going on–the Middle East, defunding of Obamacare, Wisconsin Scaredocrats running and hiding, but this article sent me into full blown head explosion mode.

Today, our Federal Government, led by a man who himself has stated is “very smart” has asked the Florida Federal Court to clarify its ruling on the Health Care legislation.

The Justice department is asking the question.  Now who leads that department again?….

Ahhh yes, Eric Holder.  Mr. Holder, an attorney himself, seems to be confused about the meaning of the Ruling.  Let’s see if we here at MKCB can help the Justice Department.  Consider it pro bono legal work for our Bankrupt Federal Government.

The Ruling States in part: 

“I must reluctantly conclude that Congress exceeded the bounds of its authority in passing the act with the individual mandate. That is not to say, of course, that Congress is without power to address the problems and inequities in our health care system. The health care market is more than one-sixth of the national economy, and without doubt Congress has the power to reform and regulate this market. That has not been disputed in this case. The principal dispute has been about how Congress chose to exercise that power here,” Vinson wrote.

“While the individual mandate was clearly ‘necessary and essential’ to the act as drafted, it is not ‘necessary and essential’ to health care reform in general,” he continued. “Because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire act must be declared void.”

So let’s see if we can decipher this complex maze of words and phrases.   The Judge is reluctant to conclude something about the bounds of authority…okay…and then he says Congress can address the problems of the health care system…okay…and then something about 1/6 of something…and then he says that the individual mandate (which is the requirement that we all purchase health care insurance) is really really important to the way the legislation was written…okay…and then he says “THE ENTIRE ACT MUST BE DECLARED VOID.”

“Void”  what does that mean????  Does it mean that we can no longer call it “Obamacare” but we now have to call it “Void?”

Okay, let’s slow down.  What does “entire” mean?  According to it means:  “having all the parts or elements; whole; complete; full or thorough; not broken, mutilated or decayed; intact; unimpaired or undiminished; being wholly of one piece; undivided; continuous; not gelded (an entire horse).”

Whew–for a second I thought it had something to do with those wheely things on your car.  So “entire” means the whole thing.  Okay so far.

What about “declared?”  It means:  “publicly avowed or professed; self-confessed.”  So, the whole act must be self-confessed or publicly avowed void?  That is weird.  I thought “declared” was like when you take the custard filling out of an eclair it has been “declared.”  I see how these guys are so confused.

Kind of like this guy:

But I digress…

So now we come to the real problem with this ruling.  The word “void.”  That means: “having no legal force or effect; not legally binding or enforceable.”  See that seems straight forward enough, but wait there’s more.  It also means: “useless, ineffectual; devoid; destitute; without contents; empty; without an incumbent; having no cards in a suit; empty space; something experienced as a loss or privation; a gap or opening in a wall; a vacancy; invalidate or nullify; discharge; to clear or empty contents; to urinate or defecate.” 

Well, I think we can sum up the entire ruling based on this definition.

“The entire Act must be declared void” can be further clarified to mean, “the whole act is self-confessed poop.”

Don’t thank me Mr. Holder, I’m just doing my part as a patriotic American.


“Democrats Gaining Ground” and Other Ridiculous Notions

October 5, 2010

Despite a report today on Gallup that Republicans will likely win big next month, despite weeks of poll numbers showing Democrats losing in numerous races across the Country in National, State and Local elections, despite all of that data and the common sense of every living person in the Nation, I was stunned to open my home page at this morning to find an article making the claim that Democrats are gaining ground in various polls.

Let’s review the tactics to win this election by the Democrats since March:

1.  Republican’s ideas are the same as Bush’s ideas and those are the “failed policies of the past.”

2.  Republicans are desperately trying to demonize the President because he is decisive and is bringing about change that is good for our Nation.

3.  Republicans are racists.

4. Republicans have given in to the fringe right of the Tea Party and want to take us back to the age of slavery, put women back in the home, outlaw abortion and feed their rich friends while stomping on the poor.

5.  Republicans are racists.

6.  The economy is Bush’s fault, who was a Republican, and but for Obama, we would be way worse off–like way, way.

7.  Republicans are elitists, bigots, homophobes and oh yeah, racists.

and now….

8.  Democrats are gaining ground and Fox News has been falsely hyping Republican victories, which are way over-exaggerated–like way, way.

This is the most amusing tactic yet.  Instead of telling America why Democrat philosophy is better for us than Republican philosophy, or telling us what their plan is for actually fixing the economy–they are simply trying to smoke screen the truth–yet again.  Unfortunately for Democrats, the truth is all to evident in this new information age with easy access to Rasmussen polls and Gallup polls online.  Sorry, Democrats, but you are still losing.

The idea that Democrats might actually not lose a tremendous number of incumbents in November is about as true as the following metaphorically similar statements (you may notice each of these came from the same person–can you guess who?):

1.  The Health Care Bill Will Not Increase The Deficit By One Dime. (thank goodness)

2.  The Healthcare Package Will Pay For Itself. (that’s cool–so it’s like installing better windows for your house–so that in say 500 years, you will have made up the cost in the tiny savings each month in your electric bill–okay, great)

3.  We Have Run Out of Places in The US to Drill For Oil.  (I figured all of those oil rigs in West Texas were just landscape art–I knew it)

4.  I Will Not Rest Until The BP Oil Spill Stops.  (I thought he looked really tired when he played golf those um, 7 times).

5. I Have Visited All 57 States.  (So, I called Continental Airlines and asked for their flight routes to the other 7 States and they said I was crazy–Thank Goodness they are merging with United–hopefully they have routes to those places.)

6. My Church Is Like Any Other Christian Church. (I guess my church isn’t a Christian church after all–my heavens, what have I been worshiping!!!!????!!!)



“Consumer Option” vs. “Public Option” Redefines English Language

October 30, 2009

Our fearless leader of the House of Representatives has really outdone herself this time.  Today she produced a 1,900 page health care reform bill with no “public option.”  Errr…well…um I mean there is one it now called the “consumer option.”  Many of you know that she redefined the terms of this government takeover of our health care system a few days ago by simply “rebranding” the public option.  Now it doesn’t sound so darn socialismy (new word–just go with it).

But little did she know that she would start a revolution of the English Language.  Webster turned over in his grave this week as tens of tens of people rallied behind Madam Pelosi and took the lead to redefine many other areas of our language that just seemed a little well…negative.  So thank you Madam Speaker for your ingenuity, brilliance and trend-making abilities.  In conformity with rebranding the socialistic takeover of 1/6 of our economy from “Public” to “Consumer” here are a few more “rebranding” techniques currently in circulation:

1.  New Brand:  CHOCOLATE CAKE

CowPie.jpg image by triple789

Old Brand:  Cow Pie

2.  New Brand:  ART DECO

  Old Brand:  Toxic Mold


  Old Brand:  Homeless Person


  Old Brand:  Terrorist

5.  New Brand:  MR. HOTTIE

  Old Brand:  Satan, Prince of Darkness, The Evil One, etc…

and finally…

6.  New Brand:  CONSUMERISTS

   Old Name:  Democrats, Socialists, Liberals, Jack…
“when I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck.”
                                                 -James Whitcomb Riley

ACORN’s Guide To A Better America

September 16, 2009

Ah, ACORN–just the name brings forth images of life, rebirth, a new beginning, a game of war between neighborhood kids that nearly put each other’s eyes out by hurling the little rock-hard seeds at each other.  Oh the memories.

In that same spirit of hope, and change, and new life, here is an organization that went to the people and organized them and helped them see the craziness of voting for an elephant and instead voting for a Kanye West, er I mean a Democrat. 

So what is ACORN?  According to its website it is:  “the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is the nation’s largest community organization of low- and moderate-income families, working together for social justice and stronger communities.”

They fight for things like health care for all citizens, raising the minimum wage, attacking “predatory” lenders who would seek to foreclose on loans, stopping lenders from “tricking” low-income people into signing up for loans with high interest rates (you can bet they spent the loan money though), “confronting the global economic crisis” and forcing communities to provide “affordable” housing so that all low-income families can “become homeowners.”

Despite being non-partisan–here is a short paragraph found on their website:

“Ever since right-wing conservatives got wind of ACORN’s record-setting voter registration drive, their attempts to discredit the work and create an atmosphere of chaos and intimidation have multiplied daily against the organization. Rather than compete for the votes of these new voters, they have resorted to lies and smears to distract voters from the serious issues facing the United States as Election Day draws near.  Now, ACORN is fighting back against the attacks, engineered by the McCain Campaign and the Republican National Committee.”

Funny–I didn’t know that conservatives were competing with a non-partisan organization with the angelic mission of simply registering poor voters.  I guess that ACORN assumes that all poor people are Democrats–which is odd when you consider that all of the Democrat-led entitlements have failed to pull them out of poverty.

So what is ACORN’s vision for America–well they haven’t yet published their annual reports for 2007 or 2008 but a look at the 2006 report reveals the following:

1.  NO MORE WAL-MART–this is hilarious really when you consider that the vast majority of people who shop at Wal-Mart are low-income families because of the tremendous price break they get there versus small boutique stores.  The Annual Report says:  “ACORN worked with the Wal-Mart Alliance for Reform Now (WARN) to stop the construction of Wal-Mart stores in Orlando, Sarasota, Plant City, and Temple Terrace, Fla. Also in Florida, the Orange County Commission enacted an ACORN–backed one-year moratorium barring big box retailers from building new stores in the county.”

2.  Every Neighborhood Gets A Grocery Store:  What???  See this:  ACORN obtained “a $5 million city subsidy for the building of a supermarket in a neglected Las Vegas, Nev., neighborhood.”

3.  Healthcare For All:  “ACORN continued our fight to win health care access for low and moderate income families. In San Francisco, ACORN was part of a successful coalition effort to pass an ordinance providing health care for every city resident. ACORN chapters in San Diego, Calif., and Columbus, Ohio, also helped eliminate over $700,000 in medical debt and over $1.2 million in liens for patients unfairly denied reduced cost “charity care” at local hospitals. Chicago ACORN worked with allies to stop a large hospital chain from closing an acute care hospital serving low-income city residents.”

4.  Free Pass for Illegal Immigrants:  “ACORN members joined the largest mass movement our country has seen in decades as we participated in immigrant rights marches around the nation to demand comprehensive federal immigration reform and a legal path to citizenship. These events helped block federal legislation making it a felony to aid undocumented immigrants or to be undocumented in the U.S., and set the stage for a renewed push for immigration reform in 2007.”

and of course, my favorite:

5.  Legalized Prostitution:

And you know–the ACORN does not fall far from the tree.

-Murphy Political Blogger Alliance

The “NEW” 10 Shortest Books In The World

September 16, 2009

In light of recent events its time once again to update our list of the Worlds 10 Shortest Books.  Thanks to our staff here at MKCB we have scanned the globe for you.  We know how hard it is to read a good book with all that goes on in your daily life, so we have compile this list so you can grab a book, take a restroom break, finish the book and thereby kill two birds with one stone.

For your reading pleasure, here is our updated list of the Worlds 10 Shortest Books:





5.  ANTHOLOGY: A Collection of Interesting Portions of Books Written by Jimmy Carter

6.  INTEGRITY, HUMILITY, AND A LOVE FOR OUR COUNTRY a collection of writings from members of ACORN


8.  MICHIGAN’S BOOMING ECONOMY by Gov. Jennifer Granholm

9.  EFFICIENCY: A History of the U.S. Government-Run Industries that Thrive  by the Congressional Budget Office

10.  VICTORYThe Storied Wins of the Houston Texan Football Team  by Bud Adams


11.  THE TRUTH ABOUT THE, ER I MEAN “MY” HEALTH CARE PLAN  by President Barack Obama Political Blogger Alliance


The Queen of Socialism Calls Dissenters “Un-American”

August 10, 2009

Apparently, shouting out your views against Health Care is Un-American.  That is what Nancy Pelosi states in her USA Today opinion article.  How is it that Ms. Pelosi can write an opinion article in USA Today supporting socialized medicine, but Republican congressmen are having trouble sending out fliers to their constituency because Ms. Pelosi won’t approve the language being used to tell the truth about this radical takeover of our health care industry? 

Ms. Pelosi, (Lord help me I never thought I’d do THIS)-I suggest you take some advice from ….

(can I say it?)….

Hillary Clinton:

Sorry folks, I know that listening to that cackle will make asbestos melt, but I guess it doesn’t apply when people are against Democrats and their policies.  It apparently only applies when you are condemning George Bush.

One day I’ll get these silly rules straight.  I keep looking to the Constitution, but obviously the Rules are written somewhere else.


Why So Serious?

August 10, 2009


This is a little frightening.  Apparently these posters are showing up in Los Angeles at random places and no one knows who is putting them up.  

Funny thing is, this poster is too close to reality to be that funny or shocking.  This article is for all of you out there that agree with our President regarding Universal Health Care.  For weeks we have been hearing how Republicans and conservatives are just fear-mongering the public into believing that Obama’s “solution” to our Health Care “crisis” is a one-payer socialist system of Health Care.  How silly we are.  I mean–it’s not like Obama has ever said that it would be a replacement for private health insurance or that it would be a 15 or 20 year strategy to move towards a one-payer system.  I mean that is simply ludicrous.  After all, this Country “deserves a better class of” health care, and Obama is going to give it to us.  Or is he……

Okay there I go again pointing out that our President is a two-faced liar and has an agenda that he purposely hides behind.

Democrat:  Oh yeah, well George Bush was a liar too and we have to do something about Health Care because of all of these illegal er, I mean poor folks that cannot afford insurance.

(I am just anticipating the brilliant argument)–But wait maybe there is some truth in all of this, maybe the government running our Health Care will be better than private greedy industry running it.  I mean after all–the Government has shown even recently that it can run the cars for klunkers program so efficiently and we all know how well budgeted the US Post Office is.  I mean, who has ever had to wait in a long line for a passport?  And how about the IRS–that place runs like a well-oiled machine.  I think at last count they are only estimating about $15billion in taxes that will be wrongfully withheld–so that’s good.

And now—the Government is going to spend $550 million on private jets for congressmen and women.  So maybe those posters of Obama are not meant to be insulting.  Maybe they are accurate.  It was Heath Ledger as the Joker who said this:

Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I’m a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do with one if I caught it. You know, I just… do things.”

If he was being honest, can’t you just hear Obama saying the exact same thing?


P.S.  This post and all future posts about the administration will be sent to the following link:  I just feel the Government should know about my “fishy” website.  I’m just being patriotic.

250,000 HITS! Can it Be?

July 27, 2009

Kids:    Mr. President, did you hear that Murphy Klasing’s Conservative Blog has over 250,000 hits now in less than a year and a half?

Hussein:  WHAT?!  No way!   Now listen children, let me tell you a story about Mr. Klasing.

Kids:  Okay, we love him–he takes real life stories about stupid liberal ideas and shows how ridiculous they are with satire and exaggeration–but some people think he is kind of crazy.

Hussein:  Well, first of all, he is a conservative or radical or right-winger as we like to say in the White House and as such he is automatically a racist, a bigot, a homophobe and an intolerant dummy–in fact I would say that oftentimes he acts stupidly.

Kids:  You mean like that mean white cop you told us about in the first story?

Hussein:  Exactly–all white cops that arrest minorites act stupidly and all conservatives often times act stupidly as well.  Let me show you what I mean…

Hussein:  In this story living in a plush castle paid for by decades of nasty things we call “profits” and “earnings,”  the evil white conservative lived and provided for his family by working real hard and never taking any of the help the government was trying to offer him.

Kids:  Boooooooo!

Hussein: (to M’chel quietly):  See how easy they are to manipulate.

Hussein:  So anyway kids, the evil conservative saw that the Good King, lets call him “Obbie” was trying to take all of the evil profits away and turn the land into a land of equality and good health care for all and he began to fight King Obbie.  The evil conservative began to do bad bad things.

Kids:  Like what?

Hussein:  Like participate in illegal tea parties and participate in conservative talk radio and worst yet—express his views in a public Blog!

Kids:  What is a blog?

Hussein:  It’s something that soon I’ll make sure doesn’t exist–but that is something for my third or fourth term.  Anyway, back to the story.  So the Evil Conservative continued to fight and the Good King Obbie became sad because a solider of the Evil One–Commander Rasmussen was telling everyone that the Good King wasn’t as well liked as he used to be.  So…

(telepromter quits working)

Hussein:  So…, um so….

Kids:  So what?  PLease tell us!!!

Hussein:  So…um…well…um…The Good King killed the stupid Evil Conservative and the world was all better-The End!

Kids:  That story sucked about as much as your Health Care Bill does!

Hussein:  Curse you Conservative Bloggers!


-Thanks to all who have visited and made this Blog a place to stop by–After I spend a few more days catching Bass in the unemployed State of Michigan, I’ll come back and blog some more.  Thanks, thanks, thanks!

Universal Health Care And Other Stuff We “Deserve”

July 24, 2009

“Americans Deserve Universal Health Care”  USA Today, Reader Opinion Feb. 26, 2009.

All of us deserve access to care, so I think universal health care should be this country’s goal just like other developed countries,”  Wendell Potter, former Chief of Public Relations for CIGNA

“Americans deserve universal health care,” Congressman Jim McDermott, D-Washington State, May 2004.

When did Americans elevate themselves into a position of “deserving” certain things for free or at least at the expense of others.  I thought we were the America that was too “arrogant” and needed this President to take us down to reality.  And yet…we seem to deserve a great many things.

DESERVE:  (according to  to merit, to be qualified for, or have a claim to because of actions, qualities or situation.

Interesting isn’t it?  Here are some other things we apparently deserve:

1. McDonalds:  “You deserve a break today.”

2. Maureen Dowd The New York Times:  “The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.”

3. Shiney Red Button Advertising:  “Full Service.  Because you Deserve it.”

4. John McCain Campaign:  “The Change You Deserve.” (see even the elephants are in on this trend)

it goes on and on…

I never realized how much I deserved.  I mean there is that Constitution which outlines rights we have–but it doesn’t have a “Bill of Stuff We Deserve.”

The last time I checked, Health Care was an industry–mostly private in nature.  What happens is this, a person gets to feeling kind of bad.  The person makes a decision to become a consumer of either a doctor, a clinic or an ER and makes an appointment to be checked out.  The doctor diagnoses the problem (after 8 + years of school and training that most people would never be able to accomplish) and then charges for his/her time in treating the patient.  The patient then writes a check for the amount owed and moves on with his/her life.

Sometimes, unfortunately, a person has a really bad thing like cancer or a heart attack or a debilitating disease and that person’s medical bills will be substantially worse.  Life is just that way–some will have high medical costs, some will not.  Some will get sick despite living a healthy lifestyle, some will get sick because they spent a majority of their lives smoking, or doing drugs, or eating unhealthy food or drinking in excess or…..

But now, all of a sudden, we “deserve” this health care treatment for free or for a reasonable price–determined by our government.

If you buy that and believe me, if it passes you will certainly BUY it—then answer me this–why don’t we also deserve the following other things that would make us (or at least me) happy?

1.  A Car That Runs On Air

The Air Car–runs on compressed air.  I think I deserve a car of my liking (not this ugly piece of crud) that runs on air–and I deserve it at the same price as a mid-sized car like a Corolla.

I Deserve one of these to run on air:

2.  To Be Debt Free

Is this guy happy or jumping off a cliff?  Anyway–sure I have some student loans (just like most doctors do) but I don’t deserve it.  I went to Law School, graduated and have held a job ever since–I think I deserve the remainder of my loans to be waived.

3.  Great Food

Why should I, a great American, be subjected to eating garbage for food.  I expect as a human being in this land to be served Great Food no matter where I dine.  If I order a quadruple meat crabby patty from King in the Box–I expect it to be made with 100% fat free, organically fed beef and to look similar to the dishes above–after all—I DESERVE IT!

I could go on–but of course this kind of thinking is ridiculous.  As a human being, I don’t deserve anything.  Sure if I work I deserve to be paid for my work.  But the difference there is the give and take.  I don’t deserve health care–but am thankful we have the greatest in the world.  I don’t deserve air conditioning–but am thankful it was invented and I can afford it.  I don’t deserve friends—but am thankful that some people find me amusing enough to call me “friend.”  I don’t deserve a beautiful wife and family–but am thankful they don’t see the real me and if they do, they love me anyway.

I don’t even deserve Freedom–but am thanful to the men and women who over the past 230+ years have fought for it and died for it so that I could reap the unearned benefits of it. 

And so—that argument is frankly stupid.  We don’t deserve national health care–we don’t deserve for the government to take over one of our largest industries and turn it into the ineffcient boob that the IRS, USPS and TSA already are.  We don’t deserve to be taxed to death to pay for a system that will become worse once the government decides to take it from us. 

So please, with all deserving respect Mr. President and Ms. Speaker, quit lying to us, quit trying to convince us that only you can save us from ourselves and quit turning our Country into Europe–we certainly don’t deserve that!


Joe Biden: One Heartbeat Away…

July 17, 2009

From full-on dementia.

Our esteemed Vice-President has really done it this time.  Yesterday in the wake of the Congressional Budget Office warning all of us that National Health Care would be the last crack in the wall of our economy to make the entire thing tumble down, Joe Biden states without laughing, “We have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt.”

But let’s give the man from Delaware a break shall we.  I mean this statement is an obscene display of ignorance–but it is not the first.  For example, take a moment and laugh at these zingers:

“A man I’m proud to call my friend. A man who will be the next President of the United States — Barack America!”–Joe Biden, at his first campaign rally with Barack Obama

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”–Joe Biden on Barack Obama

“You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent…. I’m not joking.”–Joe Biden

“Jill and I had the great honor of standing on that stage, looking across at one of the great justices, Justice Stewart.”–Joe Biden, mistakenly referring to Justice John Paul Stevens, who swore him in as vice president, Washington, D.C., Jan. 20, 2009

“When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, ‘Look, here’s what happened.”–Joe Biden, apparently unaware that FDR wasn’t president when the stock market crashed in 1929 and that only experimental TV sets were in use at that time, interview with Katie Couric, Sept. 22, 2008

“Stand up, Chuck, let ’em see ya.”–-Joe Biden, to Missouri state Sen. Chuck Graham, who is in a wheelchair, Columbia, Missouri, Sept. 12, 2008

But maybe I’m being too harsh on that jolly ole’ Biden.  Maybe there is something to what he said.  You have to spend money to keep from going bankrupt.  How would that logic translate into other areas of our life?  Hmmmm….

How about these ideas?

1.  You have to keep drinking if you want to avoid becoming an alcoholic.

2.  You have to leap from the edge to avoid falling off.

3.  You have to keep on cheating to keep from committing adultery.

4.  You have to drive faster to keep from being charged with speeding.

5.  You have to keep on eating to avoid becoming obese.

6.  You have to keep voting Democrat to keep from thinking for yourself.
