Archive for the ‘funny’ category

What Does “Void” Mean? (Asks the Liberal Wacko)

February 18, 2011

I have to confess that life and work and life and work have taken over.  Not to mention I am on a committee at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo where I sell Half-Priced Carnival Ticket packs from January to February 27 to raise money for the HLSR Scholarship fund.  And it has been KILLING me that I cannot sit down and blog.  So much is going on–the Middle East, defunding of Obamacare, Wisconsin Scaredocrats running and hiding, but this article sent me into full blown head explosion mode.

Today, our Federal Government, led by a man who himself has stated is “very smart” has asked the Florida Federal Court to clarify its ruling on the Health Care legislation.

The Justice department is asking the question.  Now who leads that department again?….

Ahhh yes, Eric Holder.  Mr. Holder, an attorney himself, seems to be confused about the meaning of the Ruling.  Let’s see if we here at MKCB can help the Justice Department.  Consider it pro bono legal work for our Bankrupt Federal Government.

The Ruling States in part: 

“I must reluctantly conclude that Congress exceeded the bounds of its authority in passing the act with the individual mandate. That is not to say, of course, that Congress is without power to address the problems and inequities in our health care system. The health care market is more than one-sixth of the national economy, and without doubt Congress has the power to reform and regulate this market. That has not been disputed in this case. The principal dispute has been about how Congress chose to exercise that power here,” Vinson wrote.

“While the individual mandate was clearly ‘necessary and essential’ to the act as drafted, it is not ‘necessary and essential’ to health care reform in general,” he continued. “Because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire act must be declared void.”

So let’s see if we can decipher this complex maze of words and phrases.   The Judge is reluctant to conclude something about the bounds of authority…okay…and then he says Congress can address the problems of the health care system…okay…and then something about 1/6 of something…and then he says that the individual mandate (which is the requirement that we all purchase health care insurance) is really really important to the way the legislation was written…okay…and then he says “THE ENTIRE ACT MUST BE DECLARED VOID.”

“Void”  what does that mean????  Does it mean that we can no longer call it “Obamacare” but we now have to call it “Void?”

Okay, let’s slow down.  What does “entire” mean?  According to it means:  “having all the parts or elements; whole; complete; full or thorough; not broken, mutilated or decayed; intact; unimpaired or undiminished; being wholly of one piece; undivided; continuous; not gelded (an entire horse).”

Whew–for a second I thought it had something to do with those wheely things on your car.  So “entire” means the whole thing.  Okay so far.

What about “declared?”  It means:  “publicly avowed or professed; self-confessed.”  So, the whole act must be self-confessed or publicly avowed void?  That is weird.  I thought “declared” was like when you take the custard filling out of an eclair it has been “declared.”  I see how these guys are so confused.

Kind of like this guy:

But I digress…

So now we come to the real problem with this ruling.  The word “void.”  That means: “having no legal force or effect; not legally binding or enforceable.”  See that seems straight forward enough, but wait there’s more.  It also means: “useless, ineffectual; devoid; destitute; without contents; empty; without an incumbent; having no cards in a suit; empty space; something experienced as a loss or privation; a gap or opening in a wall; a vacancy; invalidate or nullify; discharge; to clear or empty contents; to urinate or defecate.” 

Well, I think we can sum up the entire ruling based on this definition.

“The entire Act must be declared void” can be further clarified to mean, “the whole act is self-confessed poop.”

Don’t thank me Mr. Holder, I’m just doing my part as a patriotic American.


2010 Christmas Ideas From The Left: A Holly Nancy Pelosi Christmas!

November 24, 2010

Well as we arrive at Thanksgiving we stuff ourselves full of Turkey and Dressing and Cranberry Sauce and watch a little football and then wake up early to attack Black Friday.   We here at MKCB don’t want you to be out there looking around from store to store trying to find the perfect gift–we want to give you some fantastic ideas.  As you know, the left in our Country is about Hope and Change and all that is good.  Therefore, we have decided, in the Spirit of the Season, to list for you some wonderful gifts that will bring Hope and only cost a little Change.  Ho Ho Ho!

Top 5 Gift Ideas for 2010 From The Democratic Party of the Combined Union of States of America:

1.  Planned Parenthood Gift Cards

That’s right folks, surely you have that special someone on your list that, well, may need to rethink the next few months and shed that “mistake” that President Obama talked about in 2008.  Well, look no further than Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood says Give the Gift of Abortion for Christmas by Albert Milliron

Yes, its true, you can give the gift of “choice” to someone who is saving up for that special decision to put “self” before others.  And while you are there don’t forget to pick up a stylish “Choice on Earth” T-Shirt.

Planned Parenthood offers ‘Choice on Earth’ T-shirts

Ahhh, tis the season.

2.  Athiest T-Shirts

Obviously it is not fair that all of these leftist atheists are left out of the gift giving and receiving at Christmas time.  But what do you buy that special anti-God someone?  Well, how about a T-Shirt that says it all:

Atheist Christmas cards

Selfishness never goes out of style.  The website this came from makes cards and T-Shirts with this friendly “cute” saying.

3.  Anti-Palin Gear

It wouldn’t be Christmas without bashing a person without reason and by making comments about her personal life that simply aren’t true.  And what better person to continue to focus your character attacks that the person responsible for energizing a large portion of the right–Sarah Palin.

No worries, the Democrats have websites with fun stuff like this:

Offensive anti Palin Christmas T-Shirts

Wouldn’t you feel classy wearing this unique and clever T-Shirt to your next Holiday party?

4.  The Incredible Shrinking Dollar

Now here is a gift that Nancy Pelosi can really be proud of–after all she is in part responsible for manufacturing this wonderful item of joy.  Now you can give your loved ones that same joy with the “Incredible Shrinking Dollar”–and you don’t even have to loan billions of dollars to China to make it work. 

5.  This Day in Revisionist History

Written by top Democratic operatives, er… I mean leaders, you can now give your kids the book they have all been waiting for–a history book that tells history the way it should have occurred, not the silly stupid way it actually happened.  In this book you will find tales of how the Republicans pushed for more slavery and caused the Civil War, you will hear about how the 80’s were a decade of greed and how President Reagan had nothing to do with the fall of Communism.  You will also get a special bonus section that details the hundreds of amazing successes of the Carter administration.  This is a history book your family is sure to treasure for years to come.

Have a great Black Friday (named by the Republicans who are racist by nature) and Merry Chri…um..Xmas!


Happy Election 2010 Halloween!

October 29, 2010

What better way to scare you than to imagine 2 more years with these Goblins?

OMG-I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Eric_Holder_is_a_Thug.jpg Eric Holder is a Thug image by B_Oceander 

I like this one better…

The scariest of them all.


Vote “NO” on Proposition [Fill in the Blank]!

October 27, 2010


I have no idea what “propositions” or “resolutions” or “amendments” are added to your ballot in your jurisdiction.  In Houston there are three propositions.  One is to add some sort of “untouchable” fund for road improvements–which contains a myriad of hidden taxing possibilities for the future.  One is to allow red light cameras to enforce red light laws.  I voted NO for all propositions and encourage you to do the same.  Here is my guide for when you should vote “no.”

1.  When the Proposition/Resolution/Amendment Allows for MORE Government Intrusion Into Your Life.

If the item you are voting on adds more regulation, more oversight, added enforcement, a new government office, commission, committee, or office–then vote “No.”  The Government is involved in our lives enough.  Unless we want to start calling this Country the United Socialist States we must stop allowing these laws to get passed under the radar on the bottom of a ballot in an election.  They are always worded so ridiculous also:

Vote For or Against the following:  “To allow the government the ability to help all of its citizens, especially nuns, drowning babies and little baby owls, to better accomplish the American dream by creating a simple nondescript office of officials who would willingly lay down their lives for the betterment of the community and will require the simplest of forms and applications to obtain such help.”


2.  When the Proposition/Resolution/Amendment Allows for the Creation of Some Fund or Account and Otherwise Erodes the Balance of Power or Checks and Balances Inherently Built Into Our Form of Government.

If the item you are voting for creates a new tax, a new fund, a new rainy day account, a new savings, a new set aside, or a deregulation of the government’s ability to generate such money by taking it from you or your business or your property—then vote “No.”  If the Government needs more money, maybe it can get it by ending its hundreds of millions of dollars in subsidy to NPR or some other worthless social enterprise instead of taking it from us.  Be aware of these provisions:

Vote For or Against the Following:  “To amend the State Constitution which was drafted by conservatives back in the dark ages who could not foresee the unbelievable greed and irresponsibility of liberal politicians who, for decades, have been taking public money and funneling it into programs that were created for the ultimate goal of “purchasing” votes in future elections.  The new amendment will allow your State to create a rainy day fund to set aside $1 gazillion from “current” funds to pay for such items as police, fireman, roads, bridges, and education.  And it will allow the State to pull such money from existing tax dollars or, in the unlikely event it is necessary, add a new tax to ensure this fund never dries up.”

Um…Vote NO!

3.  When the Proposition/Resolution/Amendment Adds a New Regulation to “Help” Us.

The last major category are those propositions that create a new law or regulation designed to help all of the poor idiots who cannot help themselves, otherwise known as the citizens of the United States.  Do not vote for these:

Vote For or Against the Following:  “A new law that will allow local and State and Government and World Government and Obama Secret Police to arrest or detain anyone that is doing anything stupid that they should otherwise not be doing.  This law is all-inclusive and incorporates the following:  eating sugary foods, driving late at night, screaming at a rude store clerk, smoking, watching horror movies, riding on an airplane when you have a cold, being offensive, having an opinion or simply disliking someone.”

Vote (for the love of humanity)–NO.

-But by all means–get out there and VOTE!  Unless you’re a liberal, then feel free to cash your entitlement check and stay home for the day–you’ve earned it.


ALERT:President Obama is Messing With College Football!!!!

October 18, 2010

Well it seems that Democrats running for office are first running away from President Obama.  Recent articles on poll numbers suggest that everytime the President campaigns for a candidate, his/her numbers either stay the same or fall.  It would appear that his ability to cheer on his own party is not making the crowd cheer with him.  Democrats were warned when they voted for Obamacare that the voters would not forget.  Democrats were warned when they took over GM, suggested that CEO’s should have a government imposed salary cap, that people should be forced to keep their house temperature above 74 degrees that the voters would not forget.

Democrats seem to have forgotten that the Constitution (although severely watered down) is still taught in school, that many people still believe that freedom is better than Government enslavement.  Democrats have forgotten that many people know that when the Government runs something, it is run into the ground.  We have all been to the DMV, we have stood in line to obtain vehicle registrations and passports and building permits and business licenses–we know how well the Government runs things.

But Mr. President–please for the love of all that I have left to enjoy-stay away from college football.   When the President speaks somewhere, his ability to turn a race into a loss is starting to become viral.  This weekend he planned to visit and did in fact visit the campus of Ohio State University.  He scheduled the speech on Sunday but look what the mere planning of his arrival did to the game on Saturday:

1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final
 Ohio State 0 3 7 8 18
 Wisconsin 14 7 0 10 31

Ohio State was #1 in the Country and then the President announces a visit to the campus and then bam! 

So PLEASE President Obama, I would like to ask that if you have any scheduled trips to visit the University of Texas at Austin that you cancel them immediately–Don’t Mess With Texas!


P.S. Psssst….President Obama–I hear that Texas A&M has a fabulous conference center and would warmly welcome a visit from you sometime around say…Thanksgiving.

CNN Has Officially “Jumped The Shark”

October 7, 2010

For those of you born after 1978 or so, this is a phrase attributed to the demise of the hit show “Happy Days.”  Above is the scene from the show where “the Fonz” agreed to take on the challenge of jumping a pinned up shark in the water.  This episode is largely credited with the show’s desperate attempt to revive its ratings–to no avail.  Therefore, the term “Jumping the Shark” is often given to television shows that try some desperate story line to revive ratings.  In this case, it would appear that the entire network at CNN is “jumping the shark.”

Take a look at this hideous attempt to make what I suppose is a “news” show:

Yawn!!!  And Parker is no better.  “Well it is Halloween.”  This is horrid.

I think it is amazing that a guy can break the law by hiring a prostitute for sex, while married, while holding a high political office and then get his own cable news show.  There are over 300  million people in the United States–but CNN has hired this person to save its ratings.  Wow!

Seriously–this guy?

I feel kind of bad for CNN, even the prostitute said he is boring and looks like a “Gremlin.” Here at MKCB, we don’t want to be accused of being some pawn for Fox News, so I have some suggestions for other news hosts they may want to consider.  Keeping in mind their standards of integrity, morality and talent, here are my suggestions to replace Spitzer when he is eaten by that shark he is jumping:

1.  Hugh Grant

He was caught with a prostitute, charged with a crime, is semi-famous.  He is hideously boring in films and seems to fit the profile CNN wants.  Plus, he has way more hair than Spitzer.

2.  Barney Frank

Congressman Frank has been reelected numerous times since his prostitution scandal broke in the 1990’s.  It was a male prostitute, but that shouldn’t matter to CNN.   His ability to speak clearly is low and his qualifications to report the news fairly and honestly is right up to CNN’s standards.  He is also more charismatic than Spitzer–plus, it gets him out of Congress–which is good for America.

3.  The Guy That Married a Dog


A couple of years ago I ran a blog post about this man who married a dog as some sort of weird punishment for having mistreated a dog.  I think he is exactly what CNN needs.  It incorporates so many different and unique aspects of living and gives the network an all-inclusive viewpoint.  Plus, he is some kind of jokester.  He is always saying how his dog is better than a woman because, “she doesn’t complain when he drinks too much, and she never wants to go shopping, etc…”

4. Wanda Holloway

Remember her, the cheerleader mom?  She hired a hit man to kill the mother of her daughter’s rival cheerleader.  That is so perfect.  Look at her, she’s classy looking, from Texas, involved in a scandal that spawned a TV movie and tons of media coverage.  She is perfect!   She is off probation from her release from prison in 1997 and ready to handle the grind of cable news. 

I think that is enough, honorable mention might be Paris Hilton, Pee Wee Herman, Gary Hart, etc…

I might even have to watch this show if I could just recall the CNN’s channel number.  What is that……..?


Obama: “Things Could Be Worse”

July 1, 2010

Okay first of all–go to minute 47 of this hour long feature film and watch for about a minute–then you are prepared to read on…

So here we have our President saying that the way we know that the stimulus worked is because things could be worse.  And, of course, if you think about it, he is right.  I mean the argument that things could be better without it makes no sense whatsoever because, um… well… it just doesn’t.  Look stop fighting the logic of this administration because you obviously misunderstand the points they are trying to make.

For example, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that unemployment checks are creating jobs.  What?  You don’t get that?  Jeez…do I have to do all the thinking around here?

You see, when unemployed people get money, they spend it.  By spending money they are buying goods that are produced by people.  By buying those goods, people have to be employed to make more.  See?  Unemployment is good for the economy.

So you still don’t get it?  Well  I’ll try and explain it by using some other examples.

  1. Al and Tipper Gore have a good marriage when Al is happy.
  2. Al gets an inappropriate massage to release his shakra so that he can be happy.
  3. Getting an inappropriate massage is good for Al and Tipper’s marriage. 

See?  No?  Let me try another one.

  1. Cooking fish in oil is healthier than cooking fish in butter
  2. BP spilled zillions of barrells of oil into the Gulf of Mexico.
  3. Fish in the Gulf are now covered with oil.
  4. Fish covered in oil can be cooked “as is.”
  5. Spilling oil into the Gulf is healthy.

It is so easy.  Okay 1 more then hopefully you will get it.

  1. Tiger Woods is worth $900 million to $1 billion dollars
  2. Tiger Woods cheated on his wife a billion times.
  3. Tiger Woods’ wife is getting $750 million in the divorce
  4. Cheating worked because her take could have been worse.

Now do you get it?  NO!!???? I give up on you guys, seriously.


Eclipse: An Interview with a Fan!

July 1, 2010

As your teenagers have told you, Twilight’s latest installment “Eclipse” was released to millions of views at Midnight on Tuesday.  Without commenting on our view of the series or Vampires or which team is liberal or conservative, we here at MKCB decided to interview a moviegoer waiting in line that night to see if all the hype has had an adverse affect on our society.  Here is what we determined:

Meet Mary and Jenna-two fans camping out in line to see “Eclipse” on opening night.

MKCB:   So Mary, I see you have a blanket made out of the movie poster-how did you get that?

Mary:    OMG!  It is so awesome!  I copied the picture off of the internet and took it to Walgreens and had them make this totally awesome blanket–which I so totally needed for tonight’s showing.

Jenna:  Yeah!

MKCB:  And so how long have you been camped out here waiting for the movie to begin?

Mary:  Since October 17 of last year.

Jenna:  Yeah…

MKCB:  Ummm, wow, that is amazing.  You do know don’t you that it will likely be showing all summer and you could probably see it this weekend without much trouble?

Mary:  Shut-up!  What kind of Team Edward player would I be if I didn’t show up and show Edward how loyal I am to him?  What would he think?

Jenna:  Yeah, and what would Team Jacob think?

MKCB:  Probably nothing, because he has no idea you are actually here today.

Mary:  You did not just say that! 

Jenna:  Yeah…whatever…

MKCB:  So how have you been able to survive sitting here for 8 months?

Mary:  Well, I brought a laaaaaaaa lot of chips and cokes and stuff and Jenna and I take turns watching the stuff so we can eat and go to the ladies room and stuff like that…

Jenna: Yeah…

MKCB:  Well have you been keeping up with the news?  What do you think of the oil spill?

Mary:  Dude, they totally cleaned that up years ago before that Palin chick was ever even heard of.

Jenna:  Yeah…

MKCB:  No, I mean the new oil spill.

Mary:  ummmm…. well….

MKCB:  Nevermind, what about the Al Gore sex scandal–have you heard about that?

Mary:  Ewwwwww…. seriously, that is gross and no, I’m so sure that did not happen.

Jenna: Yeah…

MKCB:  Well, enjoy the show, I just wanted you to know that the movie is 126 minutes long so you have been sitting here 2.06 days for each minute of the movie.

Mary:  BOOM!  Dude my brain just exploded.

Jenna: Yeah, mine totally did.

MKCB:  Funny, I don’t see any loose pieces lying around…

Mary:  Whatever.

The Gore’s Breakup: It’s Bush’s Fault!

June 2, 2010

After a 6 month leave of absence from blogging, it is time to jump back in.  After some involvement in the Tea Party movement and a few speaking engagments I felt it was time to get back political swing of things.  Work and life are hectic, but I cannot stay silent any longer.  So like it or not, I’m baaaaaaack!  🙂

It was the kiss that grossed out a Nation!  And yet, 40 years after saying “I do” the global warming couple is calling it quits–with little explanation.  They said it is mutual–which means they both agree on it–which doesn’t tell us anything.  What could be the explanation for a split of this magnitude.

Could it be that Tipper can no longer live with a man who has made millions of dollars on a lie?  No, she has been doing that ever since then Senator AL Gore said he was “pro-life.”

Could it be that Tipper is jealous of Al’s unnatural attraction to Leo?

Maybe she is mad that Al’s proposed Four Dollar bill never took off.

No, I think if you look deep enough, deeper that TMZ would look you’ll find the real root of this marriage break-up.

Of course, I’m talking about George W. Bush.

After all, we have come to learn in the last 2 years that George W. Bush is the center of most of our trouble here in America.  Remember, he stole the election from Al Gore and robbed Tipper of her chance to pick out the 44th china pattern at the White House.  That probably made her pretty mad.   In all seriousness, the evidence is unmistakable.

Here are the other things that have happened already this year that are easily attributable to George W. Bush:

BP Oil Spill-after Bush left office he had to do something with the giant Halliburton Hurricane machine that caused Hurricanes to hit poor black neighborhoods in New Orleans.  So he moved it to a hidden location on a BP platform in the Gulf.  Then, you guessed it, some idiot accidentally turned it on and it set the whole thing on fire.

Health Care Reform-only to the extent it is a bad thing is it really his fault–so yeah, the whole thing is his fault.  See, if he hadn’t been spending so much time at the Crawford Ranch cutting down helpless trees, he would have realized that our health care system is the envy of the world–which makes the world hate us–which is why we were attacked on 9/11 in the first place—while he was in office.

Gold Prices-Again, they are so high right now that no one in the poorer communities in our Nation can afford to buy any–which is patently unfair.  The prices are so high because while he was in office he obviously gathered most of it up and took it because he is a rich Republican.

Rubba Bandz

These are clearly his fault.  This cheap toy craze has kids not paying attention in school and fighting each other over “rare” shapes and colors.  None of this would be happening if George W. Bush hadn’t let the economy fall apart leaving children little choice but to entertain themselves with rubber bands shapped liked animals and musical instruments.

-It just goes on and on.  So consider this post a public service annoucement–quit wasting your time at work searching the Internet to find scoop on the Gore split.  First of all, since Al invented the Internet–he is good at hiding stuff in it.  Second–we all know it is GW’s fault so get back to work.


***UPDATE: Shortly after posting this, it was brought to my attention that the CBS Evening News made a similar accusation (although without any attempt to be humorous) last night.  I could not believe it so I watched the video online–sure enough the report states that losing the election “despite winning the popular vote” did irreparable damage to their marriage.  I would post the link but I dont’ want to give that joke of a news site any traffic.  I guess my prediction was right.  🙂 ***

“Consumer Option” vs. “Public Option” Redefines English Language

October 30, 2009

Our fearless leader of the House of Representatives has really outdone herself this time.  Today she produced a 1,900 page health care reform bill with no “public option.”  Errr…well…um I mean there is one it now called the “consumer option.”  Many of you know that she redefined the terms of this government takeover of our health care system a few days ago by simply “rebranding” the public option.  Now it doesn’t sound so darn socialismy (new word–just go with it).

But little did she know that she would start a revolution of the English Language.  Webster turned over in his grave this week as tens of tens of people rallied behind Madam Pelosi and took the lead to redefine many other areas of our language that just seemed a little well…negative.  So thank you Madam Speaker for your ingenuity, brilliance and trend-making abilities.  In conformity with rebranding the socialistic takeover of 1/6 of our economy from “Public” to “Consumer” here are a few more “rebranding” techniques currently in circulation:

1.  New Brand:  CHOCOLATE CAKE

CowPie.jpg image by triple789

Old Brand:  Cow Pie

2.  New Brand:  ART DECO

  Old Brand:  Toxic Mold


  Old Brand:  Homeless Person


  Old Brand:  Terrorist

5.  New Brand:  MR. HOTTIE

  Old Brand:  Satan, Prince of Darkness, The Evil One, etc…

and finally…

6.  New Brand:  CONSUMERISTS

   Old Name:  Democrats, Socialists, Liberals, Jack…
“when I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck.”
                                                 -James Whitcomb Riley