Archive for the ‘Thoughts on the World’ category


June 14, 2016

I have tried to stay out of the Facebook nastiness that has been going on since this horrific event in Orlando–but I really cannot take it much more. When did we as a Country decide to take tragedy and make it about ourselves or about our agenda or about our politics? When between 9/11 and today did we decide as a Nation not to unite around those affected by evil and heartache? When did we depart from being the United States to a State of Everyone for Him/Herself? I am appalled at the Republicans, the Democrats, the Independents, and everyone else who has decided to make this about something other than what it is.

I guess it was Rahm Emanuel that said we should never let a crisis go to waste–how wrong he was. That kind of talk has done nothing but divide us and pit us against each other and ourselves. When tragedy, evil, catastrophe and calamity strikes—we must exhibit grace, understanding, assistance, prayer, love and hope–that is what makes us Americans, not tribes of people trying our best to show everyone else that our tribe is best.

What happened in Orlando was awful, horrific, and tragic. It was caused by evil, nothing less, nothing else. It was not caused by gun laws or liberals or conservatives. It was caused by the radicalization of religious ideals that have so warped an individual’s sense of right and wrong that he believed what he was doing was right. The only addendum to that explanation is that it takes something more to take religious beliefs into mass murder–that something more is “evil.” This would not have been stopped with gun bans or gun restrictions. Criminal laws do not stop crime–they punish crime. He was set on killing these people–gun restrictions would not have stopped that. But even if they would have–this is not the time/place to pontificate on biased views of the second amendment.

And now we have an example of what social media has done to our way of thinking—Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick’s campaign posts a Bible verse every Sunday at 7:00 a.m. This Sunday it was from Galations and spoke of reaping what we sow. For anyone who does not know the context of that verse or why Paul was writing it to the Galation Church it could be seen as insensitive–that is if it was meant to be a commentary on what happened. But why wait to find out—instead a flood of internet comments have been made accusing the Lt. Governor of gay bashing. Interestingly, no one jumped to the conclusion that maybe he was talking about the shooter that was killed during the fray. Instead, it was assumed by many that he, as a Republican and a Christian, must have been spreading hate speech about the victims. Turns out it was neither.

Shame on everyone for jumping to any conclusion–or using the verse to mean something it didn’t mean. One post even said that his excuse that he was out of the Country and that this verse was selected Thursday and was automatically posted by the campaign was “BS.” I find it amazing that it is more believable to that person that he would intentionally state such a horrific and hateful thing aimed at accusing the victims of bringing this evil upon themselves. Really?? He is that stupid?

The New Testament is not a book of accusations, judgment or hate. It is a book that says–we have ALL fallen short of the glory of God. We are ALL sinners. We ALL need a Savior. It is a book that preaches love, grace, forgiveness, putting others ahead of yourself and hope. It is a book that shows that a thief on the day of his death and as his punishment is being given can turn to God and receive eternal life. It is NOT a book of hate or a book that preaches that you “get what you deserve.”

So let’s take a breath–Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has posted on his webpage an explanation of how/why that verse appeared on that day and what it means–I encourage you to read it. If you are so filled with hate toward Republicans and Christians that you just assume he is a liar–then I suppose you should just continue to believe that he meant to be insensitive and harsh. If you choose instead to forget your politics and biases and accept what he has to say, then maybe you can see that he was not making this tragedy into something other than what it was–we are by jumping to judgment.

I’m a Christian, Right-Wing Conservative that often votes Republican but I see myself as more of a Libertarian. With regard to this event, I see myself as a human being. I mourn for the loss of the families and loved-ones affected by this tragedy. I am sad that another human being could be so filled with evil and hate that he believed that killing innocent people was justified. I stand united with the LGBT community in denouncing this horrific and evil event. I stand with the LGBT community in prayer and mourning. I pray for comfort and understanding for everyone involved and I pray that events like this unite us instead of divide us. No one, regardless of beliefs, lifestyle, race, gender, occupation, age, or social position deserves to be murdered–period.

And please—can we all stop immediately believing everything we read on Facebook–instead let’s take a moment, look for the truth and employ some grace.



The “Tolerant” Left

January 22, 2014

Gov Cuomo

I don’t want to be political today but I just can’t help it. Because I am a conservative, I have been wrongfully accused of being close-minded, intolerant, racist, sexist, etc… Not because of any specific act, but simply because I am conservative. It is the left’s typical talking points. Yet, Governor Cuomo of New York has stated, in his most left-wing tolerant tone, “extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault—weapon, anti-gay…have no place in the State of New York.” So let me reiterate for you Mr. Cuomo the way I actually think about these subjects instead of simply ignoring your idiotic comments:

Hardcore conservative

1. I am conservative. To me that means I believe in small government and the rights of the individual. I believe that people should be allowed the freedom to achieve individual success or failure on their own. I believe that individual responsibility is more important than preventative regulation. I believe that citizens can manage their lives better on their own than the government can manage it for them. I believe in a strong military and governmental fiscal responsibility. I believe that government entitlements create a citizenry of dependents who become less and less motivated to make their own way in the world. I believe that progress is not about what the government can do for our lives but about what people can do for themselves free of government interference.  I believe in a free market and an unrestricted exchange of ideas and speech.  Despite what you might think, I would fight to the death to preserve your right to make stupid comments about others.


2.  I am unashamedly pro-life.  That means I believe that abortion in wrong.  I believe that a baby is a separate being from conception forward.  I am also very sympathetic to those who don’t intend to get pregnant, but do, but I believe in personal responsibility and that means that choices have consequences.  I believe the life of the mother is paramount and should be priority one in a rare situation where the pregnancy puts the mother at risk.  And do I stand firm on rape and incest cases (rare that they are)?  No–the honest truth is that although I think each baby becomes a baby through no fault of its own, I have a heart and would certainly not condemn a woman who made a tough decision in an extreme circumstance.  In fact, I condemn no one for the choices they make in this area–I simply believe a different way–a way that apparently is no longer tolerated in the entire State of New York.  Despite that, when given the opportunity, I’ll fight to change the law in this area–but again I’d fight to the death for you to be able to believe otherwise and express that  belief.

Gun Constitution

3.  I believe in the right to bear arms.  I believe that “gun control” is about control not about guns.  I believe that every society in history that became overtaken by a tyrant started with the removal of guns from the citizenry.  I believe that guns in the hands of bad people are a bad thing but that guns in the hands of good people are a danger to no one–except the bad people. (Charlton Heston).  I believe that ridiculous controls on the number of bullets you can put in a gun or the  number of guns you can own are infringements on  my freedoms and the freedoms of others.  I believe we could learn a lot from the Swiss on this issue.  

4.  I don’t even know what you mean by “anti-gay.”  I do not believe in discrimination.  I do not believe that society should discriminate against people because of their relationship choices.  I also do not believe that relationship choices are a valid basis for creating a “protected class” of citizens.    I believe we have been created EQUALLY.  That word has a specific meaning that should not be manipulated.   I believe everyone is entitled to their moral beliefs and views on this subject and I believe that there is no constitutional right for either side of the argument to not be offended by the other’s viewpoint.   People that target aggression, discrimination and hateful actions towards someone because they are gay should suffer the criminal consequences of their actions.  Interestingly, though, taking Gov. Cuomo’s words on their face, if he means that people that personally object to the gay lifestyle should not live in New York, then he is no better than those that would harass someone simply because of their lifestyle.

I have been force-fed a mantra of talking points since the Clinton years that liberals are “tolerant,” “forgiving,” “accepting of others,” “open-minded,” and “compassionate.”  Likewise conservatives are accused of being the opposite.

Well Gov. Cuomo, by those definitions you are one heck of a conservative.  I’ve been to New York Governor, and it’s no Texas–you can keep it.


2010: Thank You Veterans! Pearl Harbor Pictures

November 11, 2010

Below are some photographs that were found in an old Brownie Camera from the attack on Pearl Harbor.  These picture are amazing!  They are provided courtesy of my friend Laurie Kendrick.

As we remember our veterans–these pictures really bring to life the sacrifice they make to keep us free.

Thanks to all of our Armed Forces and the men and women who serve in them, who have served in them, and those who paid the ultimate sacrifice to protect our families and maintain the greatness that is the United States.


Vote “NO” on Proposition [Fill in the Blank]!

October 27, 2010


I have no idea what “propositions” or “resolutions” or “amendments” are added to your ballot in your jurisdiction.  In Houston there are three propositions.  One is to add some sort of “untouchable” fund for road improvements–which contains a myriad of hidden taxing possibilities for the future.  One is to allow red light cameras to enforce red light laws.  I voted NO for all propositions and encourage you to do the same.  Here is my guide for when you should vote “no.”

1.  When the Proposition/Resolution/Amendment Allows for MORE Government Intrusion Into Your Life.

If the item you are voting on adds more regulation, more oversight, added enforcement, a new government office, commission, committee, or office–then vote “No.”  The Government is involved in our lives enough.  Unless we want to start calling this Country the United Socialist States we must stop allowing these laws to get passed under the radar on the bottom of a ballot in an election.  They are always worded so ridiculous also:

Vote For or Against the following:  “To allow the government the ability to help all of its citizens, especially nuns, drowning babies and little baby owls, to better accomplish the American dream by creating a simple nondescript office of officials who would willingly lay down their lives for the betterment of the community and will require the simplest of forms and applications to obtain such help.”


2.  When the Proposition/Resolution/Amendment Allows for the Creation of Some Fund or Account and Otherwise Erodes the Balance of Power or Checks and Balances Inherently Built Into Our Form of Government.

If the item you are voting for creates a new tax, a new fund, a new rainy day account, a new savings, a new set aside, or a deregulation of the government’s ability to generate such money by taking it from you or your business or your property—then vote “No.”  If the Government needs more money, maybe it can get it by ending its hundreds of millions of dollars in subsidy to NPR or some other worthless social enterprise instead of taking it from us.  Be aware of these provisions:

Vote For or Against the Following:  “To amend the State Constitution which was drafted by conservatives back in the dark ages who could not foresee the unbelievable greed and irresponsibility of liberal politicians who, for decades, have been taking public money and funneling it into programs that were created for the ultimate goal of “purchasing” votes in future elections.  The new amendment will allow your State to create a rainy day fund to set aside $1 gazillion from “current” funds to pay for such items as police, fireman, roads, bridges, and education.  And it will allow the State to pull such money from existing tax dollars or, in the unlikely event it is necessary, add a new tax to ensure this fund never dries up.”

Um…Vote NO!

3.  When the Proposition/Resolution/Amendment Adds a New Regulation to “Help” Us.

The last major category are those propositions that create a new law or regulation designed to help all of the poor idiots who cannot help themselves, otherwise known as the citizens of the United States.  Do not vote for these:

Vote For or Against the Following:  “A new law that will allow local and State and Government and World Government and Obama Secret Police to arrest or detain anyone that is doing anything stupid that they should otherwise not be doing.  This law is all-inclusive and incorporates the following:  eating sugary foods, driving late at night, screaming at a rude store clerk, smoking, watching horror movies, riding on an airplane when you have a cold, being offensive, having an opinion or simply disliking someone.”

Vote (for the love of humanity)–NO.

-But by all means–get out there and VOTE!  Unless you’re a liberal, then feel free to cash your entitlement check and stay home for the day–you’ve earned it.


Quran: To Burn or Not To Burn—Is That The Question?

September 8, 2010

Am I the only person shocked at the MASS of news coverage this is getting?  I am sitting in an Airport in Charleston, West Virginia and I have had the unfortunate pleasure of watching CNN for an hour and I think that 58 minutes of that hour was spent covering this issue.  They have had “religious experts” on and other similarly-situated goof-balls talking about this scheduled event.  So after trying to ignore this story, I have been forced to consider its relevance and ask myself what I think about the idea of burning 200+ Qurans on 9/11.  And I gotta say it brought up a lot of other issues.

But let’s start with the first issue–Burn?  or Not Burn?   Personally, I think that burning Qurans is a savage-like form of protesting and is being done for no other reason than to incite anger in others.  That said, do I think he has the right to burn them?–You betcha.  Do I agree with this form of “protest” or “statement?”  No, but I must say that all of this talk on television and blogs about whether Pastor Jones should be prohibited from burning them makes me think of similar situations that were treated with much more tolerance.  And after all democrats, isn’t “tolerance” one of your favorite words?  Shouldn’t you be just as “tolerant” of this activity as say:

The burning of American Flags?

Why the Supreme Court in Texas vs. Johnson  in 1989 upheld every person’s constitutionaly protected right to burn American Flags.  When Congress tried to pass a law in protest of this decision making it illegal, the Supreme Court struck again and upheld its previous ruling.  Of course, the flag burning in Texas occurred at the 1984 Republican National Convention by people outside that were umm…not Republican.  Since then numerous bills have been proposed to the Constitution to make the burning of a flag illegal but alas, the bill can never seem to pass the Senate.

How about desecrating the Flag?  How about burning images of George W. Bush?  Those things are all things the left champions as “free speech.”  Isn’t burning a book, even a religious book, a form of “expression.” But wait…

What about prayer in schools?  Well of course that is offensive.

What about roadside crosses, “in God we Trust,”  creationism, Nativity scenes—-All of that is “offenisve” and there are movements to do away with such horrible icons of a predominantly Christian society.  And of course, we can’t have Bibles in Courtrooms–that is simply nuts.  These forms of expression are somehow different, they are, um…different because um….well….um…. they just are apparently.

I’m continually amazed at the onslaught against Christianity from people playing the “I’m offended” card when those same people are saying that burning a Quran is simply outrageous.  And so, here we are debating over and over whether Pastor Jones should be stopped.

Hillariously we are told by CNN that this pastor–of a church in, where is that again…Gainesville, Florida..That this pastor of a church of, how many people…oh yeah, 50, is causing an enormous amount of hatred, dissent and division in our society.


Really???  Could it be that our National Media is causing the division, hatred and dissent?  Could it be that but for CNN, MSNBC, FOX, CBS, ABC and NBC that this event would have largely gone unnoticed except in Gainesville, Florida?  So thank you media for causing the problem and then blaming Pastor Jones.

I have a brilliant idea–it is kind of radical.  Let’s remember the lives lost and sacrifices made on 9/11 in a different way.  Instead of causing a First Amendment battle which necessarily causes the left to become hypocritical–let’s do one or more of the following:

1.  Thank our servicemen and women everytime we see them for the incredible sacrifice they make and have made.

2.  Spend time in prayer for those families that lost loved ones 9 years ago.

3.  Never forget that the battle against terrorism is not won overnight and will need our patience, dilligence and resolve.

and for the love of all….

4.  Elect members of Congress and Presidents that respect and stand in awe of our Military and are willing to spend our tax money protecting our borders and strengthening our Armed Forces instead of taking over our domestic industry and creating billions of dollars of entitlement programs.

That would go a lot further than a burning pile of Quran embers outside of a small church in Florida.


Veteran’s Day 2009-A Humble Word of Thanks

November 11, 2009

Veteran’s Day was originally Armistice Day–proclaimed by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson.  Congress passed a resolution in 1926 requesting another proclamation to observe November 11 and on May 13, 1938, Congress made November 11 a legal holiday, “to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated and known as ‘Armistice Day.’  In 1953 a civilian named Al King (a shoe store owner in Emporia, Kansas) began a campaign to turn Armistice Day into “all” Veterans’ Day.  With the help of his representative, Ed Rees, a bill was pushed through Congress and President Dwight Eisenhower fittingly signed it into law on May 26, 1954.  Ever since, its purpose has been to honor those who have served in our Military and to honor those still serving.


To the brave men and women who have faithfully served our Nation bringing an end to WWII, bravely fighting a horrific fight in Korea and Vietnam to preserve freedom around the world, liberating Countries from dictatorships, preserving peace in the Middle East and standing strong against tyranny and communism, I humbly thank you for your service.  I thank you for doing a job many Americans cannot or will not.  I thank you for allowing me the freedom to raise my children in a society free of tyranny and oppression.  I thank you for shedding blood and tears in foreign lands and rarely and tragically sometimes here at home.

While the John Kerry’s and Code Pinks and’s and leftists here in America criticize your actions, mock your purposes and rant against your missions, you persevere and fight harder to protect the very freedoms those individuals exercise even when they exercise them in a manner that dishonors your service.  I am sorry that there are those who call themselves Americans that do not appreciate the sacrifice you have given.  I am sorry that there are those on American soil that are able to choose where they worship, where they study, where they eat, what they read, what they drive, where they go and what they do with little resistance from their government and yet fail to recognize that it is you that have preserved those freedoms they exercise.  I am sorry that there are those in our Government who seemingly refuse to recognize the victories you have obtained and the purposes you have served.  I am sorry for every single citizen that has not taken the time to thank you from the bottom of their heart.

I pray God’s richest blessings on your life for the tireless way in which you have stared adversity in the face and fought against it to protect all of us.  Thank you for your service.


To the brave men and women continuing to serve in our Military overseas and at home-thank you for your continued service.  Thank you for remaining faithful to our Nation and continuing the fight to preserve freedoms in the Middle East and to protect the world from terrorism.  Thank you for performing under intense and extreme circumstances and proudly wearing our flag into these important conflicts.

I am sorry that our President and your Commander is willing to play golf 24 times in a year but cannot make a decision to honor the request of the General to send more assistance to your fight.  I am sorry that our President and your Commander is worried more about whether he acknowledges some buddies at a conference than whether he acknowledges the brave soldiers who needlessly lost their lives at Ft. Hood.  I am sorry that we at home elected a man to your Commanding position that neither honors your service nor cares about your success.  But know this–the American people care and we pray for your safety and we recognize the great debt we owe you and your families for the sacrifices you are making and will make.  You are the heroes of my children and myself.  I realize fully that I am able to sit in this air-conditioned office high above the Houston streets and type these words without fear of arrest or persecution because of what you are doing. 

I pray for your safety, your mission and your quick return home to your families and loved ones.  Thank you for your service!







Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize–But Wait There’s More…

October 9, 2009

As you all undoubtedly know by now, our esteemed President is this year’s winner of the Nobel Peace Prize

Let’s review the purpose of the Nobel Peace Prize–taken from our friends at Wikipedia:

The Nobel Peace Prize (Swedish and Norwegian: Nobels fredspris) is the name of one of five Nobel Prizes bequeathed by the Swedish industrialist and inventor Alfred Nobel. According to Nobel’s will, the Peace Prize should be awarded “to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between the nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses”.

Well, in light of that definition it is easy to see why President Obama, Vice-President Al Gore and President Carter have all been recipients of this award.  And let us not forget the most deserving recipient, Yasser Arafat. (he won in 1994).

So, I could go on and on about this but the talk show hosts and media have beat it to death today.  What hasn’t been discussed are the other lesser known awards that were given today along the same line of thinking.  You didn’t hear about them?  Well, here is a review of other awards with, let’s say, similar results.

1. The Mother Theresa Award -this award goes to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for children of all races throughout the world by making them happy instead of sad.  This year’s winner:

Michael Jackson

2.  The Joe Namath Award-this award goes to the person who shall have done the most to promote great hair products.  This year’s winner is:

Jason Statham

3.  The Abraham Lincoln Civility Award-this award goes to the person who shall have done the most to promote civility among the various and diverse members of our great society.  This year’s winner is:

Kanye West

4.  The Mr. Monopoly Economic Award-this award goes to the person who shall have done the most to promote sound economics, savings and investments in the lives of others.  This year’s winner is:

Bernard Madoff

5.  The George Washington Cherry Tree Media Award-this award goes to the media outlet that shall have done the most to promote honesty and integrity in the publication of unbiased news.  This year’s winner is:


The New York Times



and finally, I want to thank the State Bar of Texas for honoring me with The Best Family Law Attorney Award.  Here is a short piece of the interview I gave shortly after receiving my award.

Presenter:  How does it feel Mr. Klasing to have won such an esteemed award?

Murphy:  I am surprised and humbled, but mostly surprised.

Presenter:  But why are you so surprised?

Murphy:  Well frankly, I don’t practice Family Law–I mean yeah, I’ve been in Family Court, um… I think once, but I am not a Family Attorney.

Presenter:  Well, the award is given to you this year because you have said the most about bringing about real change in the Family law system and you have inspired much hope among that section of the bar.

Murphy:  Really?  Odd.  I mean, sure I’m flattered, but I can’t think of what it is I have really actually done.  Sure I have said that the divorce rate is too high in America and that we need to do something to bring the family back together, but I mean…

Presenter:  See–there you go.

Murphy:  See what?  I mean, of course I will accept this award as a call to action to stop divorce and child custody battles and to do what I can to bring the family back together–but you have to understand, I’m a trial lawyer whose practice primarily centers around defending corporations and small companies, not dividing silver ware—not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Presenter:  Well I think you now know why you received this esteemed award and I want to thank you for your time today.  This is Randy Meier for MSNBC News Headlines.

Murphy:  Okay…whatever.


ACORN’s Guide To A Better America

September 16, 2009

Ah, ACORN–just the name brings forth images of life, rebirth, a new beginning, a game of war between neighborhood kids that nearly put each other’s eyes out by hurling the little rock-hard seeds at each other.  Oh the memories.

In that same spirit of hope, and change, and new life, here is an organization that went to the people and organized them and helped them see the craziness of voting for an elephant and instead voting for a Kanye West, er I mean a Democrat. 

So what is ACORN?  According to its website it is:  “the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is the nation’s largest community organization of low- and moderate-income families, working together for social justice and stronger communities.”

They fight for things like health care for all citizens, raising the minimum wage, attacking “predatory” lenders who would seek to foreclose on loans, stopping lenders from “tricking” low-income people into signing up for loans with high interest rates (you can bet they spent the loan money though), “confronting the global economic crisis” and forcing communities to provide “affordable” housing so that all low-income families can “become homeowners.”

Despite being non-partisan–here is a short paragraph found on their website:

“Ever since right-wing conservatives got wind of ACORN’s record-setting voter registration drive, their attempts to discredit the work and create an atmosphere of chaos and intimidation have multiplied daily against the organization. Rather than compete for the votes of these new voters, they have resorted to lies and smears to distract voters from the serious issues facing the United States as Election Day draws near.  Now, ACORN is fighting back against the attacks, engineered by the McCain Campaign and the Republican National Committee.”

Funny–I didn’t know that conservatives were competing with a non-partisan organization with the angelic mission of simply registering poor voters.  I guess that ACORN assumes that all poor people are Democrats–which is odd when you consider that all of the Democrat-led entitlements have failed to pull them out of poverty.

So what is ACORN’s vision for America–well they haven’t yet published their annual reports for 2007 or 2008 but a look at the 2006 report reveals the following:

1.  NO MORE WAL-MART–this is hilarious really when you consider that the vast majority of people who shop at Wal-Mart are low-income families because of the tremendous price break they get there versus small boutique stores.  The Annual Report says:  “ACORN worked with the Wal-Mart Alliance for Reform Now (WARN) to stop the construction of Wal-Mart stores in Orlando, Sarasota, Plant City, and Temple Terrace, Fla. Also in Florida, the Orange County Commission enacted an ACORN–backed one-year moratorium barring big box retailers from building new stores in the county.”

2.  Every Neighborhood Gets A Grocery Store:  What???  See this:  ACORN obtained “a $5 million city subsidy for the building of a supermarket in a neglected Las Vegas, Nev., neighborhood.”

3.  Healthcare For All:  “ACORN continued our fight to win health care access for low and moderate income families. In San Francisco, ACORN was part of a successful coalition effort to pass an ordinance providing health care for every city resident. ACORN chapters in San Diego, Calif., and Columbus, Ohio, also helped eliminate over $700,000 in medical debt and over $1.2 million in liens for patients unfairly denied reduced cost “charity care” at local hospitals. Chicago ACORN worked with allies to stop a large hospital chain from closing an acute care hospital serving low-income city residents.”

4.  Free Pass for Illegal Immigrants:  “ACORN members joined the largest mass movement our country has seen in decades as we participated in immigrant rights marches around the nation to demand comprehensive federal immigration reform and a legal path to citizenship. These events helped block federal legislation making it a felony to aid undocumented immigrants or to be undocumented in the U.S., and set the stage for a renewed push for immigration reform in 2007.”

and of course, my favorite:

5.  Legalized Prostitution:

And you know–the ACORN does not fall far from the tree.

-Murphy Political Blogger Alliance

The “NEW” 10 Shortest Books In The World

September 16, 2009

In light of recent events its time once again to update our list of the Worlds 10 Shortest Books.  Thanks to our staff here at MKCB we have scanned the globe for you.  We know how hard it is to read a good book with all that goes on in your daily life, so we have compile this list so you can grab a book, take a restroom break, finish the book and thereby kill two birds with one stone.

For your reading pleasure, here is our updated list of the Worlds 10 Shortest Books:





5.  ANTHOLOGY: A Collection of Interesting Portions of Books Written by Jimmy Carter

6.  INTEGRITY, HUMILITY, AND A LOVE FOR OUR COUNTRY a collection of writings from members of ACORN


8.  MICHIGAN’S BOOMING ECONOMY by Gov. Jennifer Granholm

9.  EFFICIENCY: A History of the U.S. Government-Run Industries that Thrive  by the Congressional Budget Office

10.  VICTORYThe Storied Wins of the Houston Texan Football Team  by Bud Adams


11.  THE TRUTH ABOUT THE, ER I MEAN “MY” HEALTH CARE PLAN  by President Barack Obama Political Blogger Alliance


Czar, Czar Wherever You Are!

August 19, 2009

With all of the Czar’s being appointed by our President I decided to do a little fact checking into this radical way of ruling our government.  First, when I googled “Czar” in Google Images-the image above is the first one you see.  Of course this image was there as well:

So—that really doesn’t help me understand what he is doing—-or does it?  Nope, it doesn’t-moving on…

The first picture however, took me to a blog post about taking over the government called “How to Run a Country and Get Away With It.”  Interestingly this post was published in October of 2007!  So wait just a minute, either I am having a Shelia Jackson Lee Moment or am I right that the President took office in 2009?  It just seems like he has been there forever.

So what is this all about.  The author states that “Appointing a Czar is a handy way of deflecting bad publicity on a difficult issue. Drugs, for example have been a hot issue for a long time and have caused successive governments major difficulties. Appoint a Czar and these problems simply go away.”  The author by the way is talking about the UK.  He correctly points out that:

“Firstly, any successes could be claimed as government successes as the results came out in police reports and therefore “ the new crime policies are working”. Secondly any failures can be attributed to the failure of the Czar himself and not the government. And finally, any police excesses, despite the fact that you have encouraged tough policies, can be targeted at individual police forces or crime units and therefore the government also looks liberal and humanitarian. It’s a win-win situation. Power without responsibility, perfect!”

Excellent points!  And admittedly, that may be the reasons that George Bush, Clinton and George Bush appointed such individuals.  However, in those three cases it was only a handful of “czars” that were appointed and in reality–any failures of such individuals were heaped on the President by the media anyway.

So why has Obama appointed over 3 dozen!  Let’s look to the Constitution–I’m sure it allows for such things:

Well obviously that is too dang hard to read–but let’s assume for a moment that this language is in there somewhere around say Article II, section 2:

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.”

So, I suppose he can appoint Czars in one of two ways–either with the Advice and Consent of the Senate–oops–he hasn’t done that—or as “otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law.”  Hmmmm… I wonder of such a law exists?

Well as luck would have it there is a law for the Drug Czar–so maybe Bush and Clinton and Bush weren’t doing something so bad after all.  The Office of National Drug Control Policy Reauthorization Act of 1998 allows for the appointment of a director.  Under Obama that person is Gil Kerlikowske.

But how about the others?

Say…Carol Browner the “Energy Czar“—she of course headed the EPA under Clinton and on her last day in office, oversaw the destruction of agency computer files in brazen violation of a federal judge’s order requiring the agency to preserve its records. 

How about Todd Stern the “Climate Change Czar” or Special Envoy on Climate Change (potato, potahhto).  He was actually appointed by Hilary Clinton–the Secretary of State.  What????

How about Adolfo Carrion, Jr, the “Urban Czar“-a specialist in Cash and Carry scandals.  Great choice.

Or the others:

Tech Czar-Aneesh Chopra(who answers your calls as a level 2 specialist whenever your Comcast digital service acts up)

Government Performance Czar-Jeffrey Zients (who will answer your calls in the order in which they were received–your wait time is now 19288 minutes)

Infotech Czar-Vivek Kundra(who is a level 3 specialist and will take your call when Aneesh Chopra cannot figure out why you cannot access the Internet)

Health Czar-Nancy Ann DeParle(a former shoplifter and ineffective at doing anything by praising Obama for his ridiculous Health Care bill)

Bailout Czar or Tarp Czar-Herb Allison (that has worked very well–don’t you think?

Guantanamo Closure Czar-Daniel Fried (wonder what he is getting paid to take the political hit that this hasn’t happened yet?

I could go on for days, there is a Stimulus Oversight Czar, Border Czar, Counterterrorism Czar (not Jack Bauer), Regulatory Czar, Pay Czar, Car Czar, Economic Czars, Intelligence Czar, Great Lakes Czar (what??), Copyright Czar (seriously?), Food Car, Water Czar, War Czar, Domestic Violence Czar etc…..

None of these individuals have the authority to force any company or person or agency to do anything–at least not legally.  So why, why appoint all of these individuals–well if you look through history you will see that every leader that has appointed numerous individuals to carry out their bidding under the title of “Head” or “Director” or “Czar” did so as a way to grab power where the Country’s laws didn’t otherwise allow for such a power grab.

In America–lest you forget–we have a balance of power–these individuals cannot have any unless Congress allows it and there is a legal reason for it–such as the Drug Czar.

Russian Czars brutalized people–especially the Jews in Russia.  Hitler appointed numerous Leaders of the High Command to rule the Nazi party and carry out his policies and commands–including genocide.

Our Founding Fathers put our system in place for a reason–I guess that along with Health care, Cap and Trade, Stimulus, Obama just thinks that the Constitution should be trashed.

You know its bad when a Democratic Senator thinks it is unconstitutional.  But then again, that is Senator Byrd and after all–he used to be in the KKK, so his objection is skewed a bit.

I guess I should just be quiet–after all this is just all part of “Hope and Change.”
