Why So Serious?


This is a little frightening.  Apparently these posters are showing up in Los Angeles at random places and no one knows who is putting them up.  

Funny thing is, this poster is too close to reality to be that funny or shocking.  This article is for all of you out there that agree with our President regarding Universal Health Care.  For weeks we have been hearing how Republicans and conservatives are just fear-mongering the public into believing that Obama’s “solution” to our Health Care “crisis” is a one-payer socialist system of Health Care.  How silly we are.  I mean–it’s not like Obama has ever said that it would be a replacement for private health insurance or that it would be a 15 or 20 year strategy to move towards a one-payer system.  I mean that is simply ludicrous.  After all, this Country “deserves a better class of” health care, and Obama is going to give it to us.  Or is he……

Okay there I go again pointing out that our President is a two-faced liar and has an agenda that he purposely hides behind.

Democrat:  Oh yeah, well George Bush was a liar too and we have to do something about Health Care because of all of these illegal er, I mean poor folks that cannot afford insurance.

(I am just anticipating the brilliant argument)–But wait maybe there is some truth in all of this, maybe the government running our Health Care will be better than private greedy industry running it.  I mean after all–the Government has shown even recently that it can run the cars for klunkers program so efficiently and we all know how well budgeted the US Post Office is.  I mean, who has ever had to wait in a long line for a passport?  And how about the IRS–that place runs like a well-oiled machine.  I think at last count they are only estimating about $15billion in taxes that will be wrongfully withheld–so that’s good.

And now—the Government is going to spend $550 million on private jets for congressmen and women.  So maybe those posters of Obama are not meant to be insulting.  Maybe they are accurate.  It was Heath Ledger as the Joker who said this:

Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I’m a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do with one if I caught it. You know, I just… do things.”

If he was being honest, can’t you just hear Obama saying the exact same thing?


P.S.  This post and all future posts about the administration will be sent to the following link:  flag@whitehouse.gov.  I just feel the Government should know about my “fishy” website.  I’m just being patriotic.

Explore posts in the same categories: Congress, Current Events, Democrats, Fascism, funny, Government, Health Care, Humor, Life, Nancy Pelosi, News, Obama, Patriotism, Politics, Satire, Socialism

7 Comments on “Why So Serious?”

  1. slamdunk Says:

    Funny stuff. I am sure you won’t have to send it to fishy@whitehouse.gov–they already know.

  2. mklasing Says:

    I was wonder why these 2 black helicopters keep circling my office building downtown at my floor level.

  3. Lee Says:

    I don’t know if you read Day By Day, Murphy, but if you don’t, you should.


    A great, funny, conservative strip.

  4. hoboduke Says:

    That poster looks like the Haiti voodoo fliers for their magic mob jungle meetings.

  5. […] View original post here: Why So Serious? […]

  6. mklasing Says:

    hoboduke—that made me spew Diet Dr. Pepper through my nose–thanks!

  7. James Says:

    if you spent $30 MILLION a day every single day for 2000 years it would still not equal to obama’s $23.7 TRILLLION in financial bailouts

    … the main reasons why people get poorer are because of higher taxes and inflation.

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